Synchronize services

Synchronize Service Synchronize service refers to keeping data across multiple systems consistently. In Sheet Director Synchronize service refers to keeping data consistent between Google Sheets and other applications. Currently synchronize service is employed in Google Calendar App & Google Contacts in Sheet Director. How Synchronize services work? Select the service as Synchronize. This will Synchronize Events between Google Calendar. Synchronize Settings Synchronization Keys: The keys will be used for matching rows in Google Sheet with data in Google Calendar. Conflict Resolution: When Synchronization happens, there could be a conflict of data between Google Sheets and App [App] Wins - where App is the currently selected App (e.g. Google Calendar) Sheet Wins App Wins: Latest data from Google Calendar will be updated into Google Sheet. Sheet Wins: Latest data from Google Sheet will be updated into Google Calendar. Note: The major requirement in synchronization is the sync...