You have got an email. Expand your business reach - Form Director - New Features

You have got an email. That is a good news And that brings you new business. Expand your business reach. Collaborate more with your customers, employees, vendors, and any stakeholders of your business by simply opening up a Google Form that does more than what a Google Form does. I mean - power up the Google Form with Form Director add-on, that can direct the submitted data to various applications. You can now improve collaboration and communication from your Google Form submission by configuring notifications in Form Director. When a service (e.g. insert into database, generate merged doc/slide, create calendar event/contact etc) is successfully executed with submitted form data, Form Director can send notifications. Templated notifications can be configured to send to specific emails to form owner, editors and viewers to emails submitted from form attached the generated Google document, slide and PDFs with templated email subje...