Form Director Newsletter for the month of September_2022
Form Director - Jivrus Technologies
Form Director Newsletter for the month of September 2022
Form Director updates
LinkedIn Application support - Users can now integrate LinkedIn and post articles, images and Messages on their activity or pages.
Now users can attach the file uploads to the approval emails by selecting it from the email template.
Challenges and Solutions
Challenges faced
Logan, who is one of the users of Form Director, has been using Form Director for the past 1 year. He has configured a Google Form with several services using Form Director. Has some requirements & so he wrote to us his requirement
He needs a backup of the form with all his configured services.
He needs to share the backup form to another Google account and still he should be able to use the previously configured Form Director services.
For Logan’s first use case, we recommend him to use the Clone tool in Form Director. This will allow Logan to make a copy of the original form with all its configured services.
For the second use case, we recommended Logan to add his another Google account as a collaborator in the backup form. This will allow Logan to use the previously configured Form Director services.
Have a look at the Clone tool in Form Director.
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