Form Director Newsletter for the month of October_2022
Form Director - Jivrus Technologies

Form Director Newsletter for the month of October 2022
Form Director updates
Embed File Upload images in email, initial flash message, usage videos
Now users can embed the images inside the email template along with the attachments.
Users can also view the product videos inside the application configuration.
Improve mapping and form field creation performance, Email provider improvement
Field Mapping now has a performance improved with the new Google Forms API.
Users can now disable the Gmail Provider while configuring multiple email providers.
Standard expression "Case" introduced
The newly introduced standard calculated case will help users to make their text Lower, Upper, and Titlecase.
Announcement, Reuse Folder in Drive
The Announcement is a new section where users can see the the current announcements from us about the product e.g. new releases, offers etc.
While creating subfolders users can now reuse the same folder by name to upload attachments
The User of the Month - October 2022
Congratulations Mr. Amit Verma for being selected as the user of the month of october for Form Director. Amit Verma has been a user of Form Director since February 2022.
This is how he is using Form Director:
“Going to use Form Director tool with Google form to auto update the customers about the new bookings made for them from their overseas suppliers along with the detail of the shipment”
This is what he feels about Form Director:
“Form Director is an excellent tool for providing instant informations to the concerned without the need of drafting an email on case to case basis. Since it is automated , we do not need to follow up with the staff whether the required information has been shared or not . its a mind blowing tool and is highly recommended”
The user of the month will be displayed in the spotlight page of our community website. Please check the spotlight page for more details.
Challenges and Solutions
Challenges faced
Oliver, who is one of the users of Form Director, has been using Form Director for the past 1 year. He has configured a Google Form with several services using Form Director. He wrote to us asking for the following
“For text mapping, do you provide a solution for an output in BOLD & CAPITAL TEXT after mapping, if the original entry is small letter case and non bold?”
For Oliver’s use case we have developed a new standard expression “Case”. The newly introduced standard calculated case will help Oliver to make a particular field text into Lower, Upper, and Title Cases wherever required..
Have a look at this in Form Director website @
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