Fillable Document Newsletter for the month of December_2022

 Fillable Document - Jivrus Technologies

Fillable Document Newsletter for the month of December 2022

Fillable Document updates


  1. Between validation for Text, Paragraph and Date, and Signature Type options.

Users can now add between validations to text, paragraph and date type fields.

  1. Text and paragraph validations will enable users to validate the number of characters on the field.

  2. Date Validation will enable users to pick the date from the configured range.

  1. Users can now choose which type of signature they want to allow (text/ Image/ Signature pad drawing).

You can see what is happening with Fillable Document by following the What’s new page.

The User of the Month - November 2022

Congratulations Lillian Delgado for being selected as the user of the month of November for Fillable Document. Lillian Delgado has been a user of Fillable Document since September 2022. This is what he does with Fillable Document:

"We use the documents to submit daily job reports and expenses to payroll."

Also, this is what he feels about Fillable Document:

Love this! it's an easy and efficient way to go paperless, we use this to have our employers fill out daily job reports after their day of performing a move is done. It's free! and with very low priced subscriptions.

The user of the month will be displayed on the spotlight page of our community website. Please check the spotlight page for more details.

Featured Templates

We have added 3 new resume templates (resume, experienced resume, high school resume) in Fillable Store which comes as a boom for the education industry. With these templates creating a resume is made easy. By submitting the required details you can easily create a well-structured resume.

Fillable Store features 30+ templates in various categories: Business, Healthcare, Real Estate, Education, etc.

Explore all templates in the Fillable Store.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenges faced

Kenny(name changed) who is one of the users of Fillable Document has been using it since March 2022. He uses Fillable Document for his official document generation purpose. He wrote to us asking for the following

“1. Our configured message to show on successful submission is not displaying.

 2. We would like to know how we can duplicate (create a copy of) a fillable document with all its mapping and settings.


For Kenny’s use case

  1. Regarding the submission message, we suggested kenny to switch off the quiz settings from the addon.

☰ Menu ---> Quiz ---> Switch Off Make document as Quiz.

Now the mentioned message will be displayed once the form is submitted.

You can clone the fillable document from the fillable studio clones all the fillable settings along with the document.


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