Form Director Newsletter for the month of November_2023


Form Director - Jivrus Technologies

Form Director Newsletter for the month of November 2023

Form Director updates

Form Director YouTube channel hits 1000 subscriptions.

Videos Spotlight:

We've produced several videos showcasing the features of Form Director. Take a moment to explore these videos crafted by our team

  • Form Limiter: Form Limiter is a tool in Form Director that allows users to limit their Form responses. This will allow users to generate rules to control when to open or close the form to accept responses.

  • Response Manager: Response Manager is a comprehensive response management tool that helps to manage your submitted form responses.

You can see what is happening with the Form Director by following the What’s New page.

The User of the Month - November 2023

Congratulations Timisha Johnson for being selected as the user of the month of November for Form Director. Timisha has been a user of Form Director since October 2022.

This is what he feels about Form Director:

"I love this app. It makes my life so much easier. I get referral information from clients, and that information is automatically stored in my Google Contacts and saved to my contact groups, I also have everything saved to a spreadsheet. and an email notification that comes to myself and my client"

The user of the month will be displayed on the spotlight page of our community website. Please check the spotlight page for more details.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenges faced

Brooks(name changed), who is one of the users of Form Director wrote to us asking the

following question

"I have a google Form and a service in Form Director that creates a new Google Sheet when a response is received in the Google Form.

I would like to capture the date the Google Form response is submitted on the Google Sheet but there is no field for Date on the Form. I would like to capture a system date on the Google sheet."

How can I do that?

Proposed Solution

In Brook's specific situation, we suggested an alternate solution. We suggested him to create a field named '${Timestamp} ' or another in the Google Sheet. Then, map it using calculated mapping and select the predefined field 'timestamp'. So now the date field will be captured in Google Sheet.

Read more about this from Form Director Calculated mapping @


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